Meet Heidi - our resources and curriculum expert

Heidi is a fully qualified classroom teacher with over 15 year's experience working in Primary, Secondary and Special schools. As a secondary school teacher, Heidi taught English and ICT at all levels before converting to Primary school where she taught year group's 3 and 4.
Heidi is now a permanent member of the School Radio team and is responsible for creating and developing our range of resources and supporting material to provide you with the tools needed to create engaging, enjoyable content that will inspire learning and fuse School Radio with achieving the maximum potential of each child's educational progress.
The experience and knowledge that Heidi brings to the team is invaluable in the ongoing development of our supporting resources and mapping the benefits of School Radio activities to specific requirements outlined in the curriculum.
If you would like to contact Heidi to discuss any aspect of our Premium Resources or the National Curriculum, send her a message using our Contacts Page.

We literally wrote the book on it!
Making School Radio programs can be very educational and fun, but if you are new to radio in general, where do you start?
In order to help our School Radio customers get started on their first content and support them with ideas for future School Radio shows, we have written a handy guide book that will walk you through the technical and creative aspects of planning, writing and recording your first School Radio show.
The book also includes some sample of resources to give you ideas for future content.
Every School Radio Studio Package includes a free printed copy of this book.
But you can also download a free PDF copy or even order additional soft or hardback printed copies from Amazon using the buttons below.
School Radio and the National Curriculum
Aside from being a lot of fun, School Radio also helps schools and academies to supplement learning and meet the National Curriculum in ways that you may not even realise. It’s also a great way to keep staff, student and parents/guardians alike updated with school life.
To help demonstrate this we have broken down the National Curriculum into several bite-size chunks and explained specifically how this can be applied in your school. For a summary page document please click here or see below for more detailed documents specific to subjects.
Please click on the relevant links below and save the PDFs for future reference.
In addition, we have also produced a fully annotated version of the National Curriculum, which includes over 106 notes on how School Radio can help to achieve a majority of the National Curriculum standards. We make this resource available to all School Radio customers along with dozens of additional resources via our School Radio customer portal (Login here)

Example Resource - Mystery On Spooky Hill
This short radio play example package includes an introduction to writing drama for radio as well as production note and tips. It also includes a short scene from a radio play complete with script, sound FX and production notes.
The full resource pack includes:
- Introduction & Key Skills
- Relevance To New National Curriculum
- Tips On Writing Your Own Radio Play
- Cast List & Production Notes
- Script - Scene 1 - Mystery On Spooky Hill
- Sound Effect & Narration Audio Files
- Technical Tips
Mystery On Spooky Hill was written specifically for School Radio and is not a complete play. Why not ask your students to write additional scenes to complete the story.
Other Resources
School Radio customers enjoy access to over 40 additional resources including:
- School Radio Lesson Ideas
- Roles In Radio
- Bounty Island Books - Book Review Show
- Conducting Radio Interviews
- HistoryLive - Creative History Show Concept
- Planning Shows
- School Trip
- Station Branding
- Plus many more....
School Radio customers are provided with login details to our resources area where they can browse and download our range of resources.
Already a School Radio customer?
If you already have a School Radio package then you can access our full range of resources by clicking on the Log In button.
If you already have a School Radio package then you can access our full range of resources by clicking on the Log In button.